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S0113 - Gaming Build (2014)

S0113 - Gaming Build (2014)

Excluding Sales Tax

Case: RAIDMAX Vortex ATX-403WB - $39.99
Motherboard: ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0 - $139.84
CPU: AMD FX-8350 (FD8350FRW8KHK) - 4.0GHZ 8 Core Processor - $179.99
CPU Cooler: AMD Cooper & Fan Cooler (Standard) - $19.99
RAM: Kingston HyperX Genesis (KHX1866C9D3K2/4GX) (Kit of 2) - 4GB DDR3 - $62.95
RAM: Samsung 1GB (M391B2873FH0-CH9) (Set of 2) - 2GB DDR3 - $39.98 
Graphics Card: Gigabyte GTX 650 OC 2GB DDR5 128Bit (GV-N650OC-2GI) - $129.99
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA 7200RPM (ST500DM002) - $49.99
Power Supply: Kentek 700Watt (GL-KTPS-700) - $39.99
Fans: 160mm Blue LED, 120mm Blue LED x3, 80mm x2
Connections: HDMI, DVI x2, VGA, USB 3.0 x4, USB 2.0 x8, Audio x8, Ethernet, SPDIF, PS2 x2
Connections: eSATA x2, COM
Software: Windows 8.1 x64 with Microsoft Office 2010 Professional - $129.99
System is built for Gaming and Professional performance and will support high quality gaming on high settings.

You are free to inquire about the use of the system via email and details on whether this system is fit for your purpose will be provided.
Total Parts Value: $832.70

SKU: S0113